Barbara Gal

I come from a long family tradition of compulsive photographers. The oldest photo we have is from the late 1890’s, and my family has literally thousands of photos from the 20th century and into this one. I got my first camera on my tenth birthday and have not stopped taking pictures since. I taught high school art and photography for 26 years, and loved my job. I also got hooked on making artist books, a way to combine my love of paper and of collecting “stuff” with my photography.

After retirement from high school teaching, I taught at RMCAD and DU in their teacher education programs. While I was teaching, I made as much art as I could, and worked with arts organizations and galleries to get it out there. Once I fully retired I had time to be an artist. I helped found 40 West Art District and joined NEXT Gallery. Having a deadline for a yearly show, and the support and pressure of my fellow artists has been motivating. My l atest show was a summary of my photo and bookmaking life for the past 65 years. I hope to be still making photos and art when I’m 100!

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