The Little Chapel on Mt. Pilatus
Douglas McElroy
Pleasant Ridge, MI
This 19th Century chapel sits near the top of a mountain outside Lucerne, Switzerland. Statement: Album Covers are square. I am an old, white, cisgender male from the suburbs, so I am square. My paintings are square. When I was young (and not quite so square) I would love to play my albums and I loved the cover art.
The Grand Illusion by Stix, Brain Salad Surgery by Emerson, Lake and Palmer and Breakfast in America by Supertramp were my favorites. Often they had no direct link to the music within, but they told their own visual story and it really resonated with me. My paintings are visual stories and I attribute much of my early inspiration to these images.
These paintings tell stories of Sanctuary, of Far Away Places or of Impossible Visions. They would make great Album Covers.
Mixed Media on Canvas